Fellowship & Welcome


Our Fellowship Ministry, under the leadership of Christine Baur-Millward, which has worked tirelessly this year to host weekly coffee hours, many celebratory receptions, parish picnics off-site, and other events for our community. These are just a few highlights of the many events that Fellowship hosted in 2024: our annual Easter celebration, our Pentecost party, RVA PRIDE Fest, an off-site picnic at Darlene & Richie Glass’s home, a Fall Ministry Fair, an Oregon Hill Halloween Celebration, our All Saints’ Picnic in Hollywood Cemetery, St. Andrew’s Feast Day, and an Epiphany Lessons & Carols Reception. Whenever there is a gathering with food and drink at St. Andrew’s, Fellowship is behind it, and they can always use more helping hands! 

Welcome Ministry

Wayne Clark retired after many decades from being Head of The Welcome Committee in November 2024 and Mike Culver was asked to fill that position. Minor changes have occurred in the routine, such as the inner narthex doors remain open and welcoming and the congregation waiting until the choir has received Eucharist and returned to the stalls before we are invited to approach the altar and queue up. We have actually run out of bulletins on two occasions and Britton has magically made more appear! This means we are growing, friends! Chuck Baur remains a faithful co-greeter and bell ringer, and Joe Fawley and Chris Catanzaro continue in their service as offering collectors and element bearers. It is a privilege to be at the front door of St. Andrew's, assuring all comers they belong and are warmly welcome.