Volunteer & Inreach

Liturgy, the way we worship, literally means "the work of the people." We are all an integral part of the worship experience and life of St. Andrew's!  Members of our congregations take on  a variety of roles. You're invited to read on and learn more about the ways you can deepen and strengthen your life at St. Andrew's through volunteering. If you are interested in volunteering in any way, please contact the for more information.


An acolyte is someone who assists the priest during worship and helps lead the service.  There are generally up to four acolytes in a service. They lead the procession with the cross, collect the offering plates and help prepare the altar for communion. This can be an excellent opportunity for families to serve together.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship. To accomplish this, they enjoy a close relationship with our priest and benefit from her liturgical guidance and inspiration. In 2024, they prepared the altar with a new fair linen for her first celebration of the Eucharist. During Holy Week they created the Garden of Repose. The Altar Guild invites you to explore their work by participating in a Saturday session to prepare the sanctuary for worship or a Sunday session to return sacred vessels to storage. In this way, you will have a good time working with friends, learning a little liturgical language, and perhaps even discovering a place to serve St. Andrew’s throughout the year.

Chalice Bearer/Eucharistic Minister

A Chalice Bearer is one of the Eucharistic Ministers and leaders of the worship service.  Specifically, they distribute the consecrated wine (the blood of Christ), to the congregation when they come for Communion.  


This past year continued to be one of transition for the Saint Andrew's music program as the COVID era continues to recede. Highlights include several new singers and a fun and diverse summer music program when our choir takes a break. We are continuing to look for new singers, especially women, but remain very grateful for all we have. As a reminder, our music program is entirely volunteer, with the exception of our music director. It is incredible that we have such dedicated choir members who help lead worship every Sunday by volunteering their time. Thank you! In 2025, the Choir plans to organize its music library throughout the year and needs shelving to do so. If you are interested in making a gift-in-kind or assisting with this project, please speak to Demas. As always, Demas and the Choir are very grateful for the support of Saint Andrew’s for its small but mighty music program!


An Intercessor, in the context of worship, is someone who leads the Prayers of the People. They sit in the congregation or come forward to the Lectern to offer the prayers with the congregation’s participation. 


A Reader or Lector reads the Scripture, from either the Old Testament or the New Testament. They sit in the congregation and come forward to the Lectern to read the appointed Lectionary for the day.


Tellers work with the Vestry Person of the Day after church to collect the gifts presented at the offertory and prepare them for deposit.


Greeters are the first point of contact for people as they enter the church for a worship service. Greeters greet people, distribute bulletins, help people find where they need to go, collect and present the financial offering and the oblations (bread and wine), take the count of worship participants, and assist people during Communion. Greeters usually serve for one month on a rotating basis.

Landscaping & Garden Ministry

Thanks to allwho supported this ministry in the past year, especially Chris Catanzaro, who heads up this ministry, plus Jill Pollard, Dale Holcomb, Cecilia Lewis, Chuck Baur, Paula Harper, and Hank Selby. Jill expanded her Christmas decorating this year, and it looked great. We're eager to complete the installation of the Karen Evans Memorial Garden this spring. You've probably noticed ongoing work between the church and the parish house.

We invite you to look out for opportunities to help with a few workdays to install hardscaping!