Volunteer Roles
Liturgy, the way we worship, literally means "the work of the people." Therefore, we are all an integral part of the worship experience. Members of our congregations take on a variety of roles each week. Take a look at the descriptions of the various ways to serve. If you are interested in volunteering in any way, please contact the
for more information.
An acolyte is someone who assists the priest during worship and helps lead the service. There are generally up to four acolytes in a service. They lead the procession with the cross, collect the offering plates and help prepare the altar for communion. This can be an excellent opportunity for families to serve together.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the Church for worship each week, making sure the hangings are the right season, and the altar is ready for communion. They mark the readings and make sure the flowers are on the altar to beautify the sanctuary and distribute them after each service. We are fortunate to have caring parishioners who serve on teams, one month at a time. They help maintain the inventory of necessities used in worship, such as candles, wafers, wine and linens.
Chalice Bearer/Eucharistic Minister
A Chalice Bearer is one of the Eucharistic Ministers and leaders of the worship service. Specifically, they distribute the consecrated wine (the blood of Christ), to the congregation when they come for Communion.
Members of the choir are important leaders in Sunday worship. They lead congregational song as well as offer praise in the form of special anthems and other music during the service. While it is great to have choir members commit for an entire program year, it is also possible to sing in the choir for a season or in preparation for a special service. Music is sent out in advance for members to review and the choir rehearses together beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays during the program year.
An Intercessor, in the context of worship, is someone who leads the Prayers of the People. They sit in the congregation or come forward to the Lectern to offer the prayers with the congregation’s participation.
A Reader or Lector reads the Scripture, from either the Old Testament or the New Testament. They sit in the congregation and come forward to the Lectern to read the appointed Lectionary for the day.
Tellers work with the Vestry Person of the Day after church to collect the gifts presented at the offertory and prepare them for deposit.
Greeters are the first point of contact for people as they enter the church for a worship service. Greeters greet people, distribute bulletins, help people find where they need to go, collect and present the financial offering and the oblations (bread and wine), take the count of worship participants, and assist people during Communion. Greeters usually serve for one month on a rotating basis.